So you’ve got a vacancy to fill.
What’s the quickest and most efficient way to find the right person for your role?
You might think that working with several recruitment agencies would produce the best results. Several recruiters working on your brief should mean lots of interesting CVs coming your way right? Wrong! Read on to find out why exclusivity is best for everyone.
- Saves you time
Without exclusivity every stage of the recruitment process takes so much longer – several briefings, several contacts chasing you for an update and so many more CVs to review. The extra time required means more workload for you.
- Avoids diluting your brand
With various agencies selling the role into the market place, candidates get approached in a race to get CVs to the client first – this doesn’t make for a good impression. This kind of chaotic situation can dilute your brand by conveying the message that the role is being chased by all and sundry and is not an exclusive hire.
- Greater control
Working exclusively with one recruiter means a far better working relationship and ultimate control over the process for the client. Make sure you choose an agency which has an excellent, in-depth knowledge of your industry and a good understanding of your business. That way you can work productively together to find the candidate with the experience and skill sets to perfectly match the role. The message in the jobs market is consistent, maintaining the integrity of your brand and resulting in only the most suitable candidates being recommended to you for interview.
- See the best candidates
Recruiters know that if multiple agencies have been instructed, there’s no guarantee that they will get paid for the work they’re doing. So the pressure is on to find suitable candidates as quickly as possible. Not a good way to find the best fit for your role. It takes time, hard work and persistence to get the right candidates to recommend for interview and, without exclusivity, recruiters can’t afford to spend the time needed to find the perfect match.
- Save money
And best of all – it could save you money. Exclusivity means that we know from the start that we will get paid for the work we are doing and allows us to be flexible on the level of our fees. It gives us the time and space to go the extra mile to find the best possible group of candidates. We can ensure that you to meet only the best candidates for the job, not just the best currently on the market.
At Harrison Dear Sales, we recently reported that we had changed our business model, working with fewer briefs, a smaller client base and exclusive vacancies and we can report that it has been extremely successful. Steven Dear, Director of Harrison Dear Sales commented “Exclusivity benefits everyone involved in the recruitment process. Does it work? Well, if it doesn’t, you probably won’t use us again!”