What’s the big deal? I hear you ask. Get the requirements for the role down on paper (more likely a Microsoft word doc) and the candidates will come. Simples! Well, today that’s no longer the case. Thanks to websites like Glassdoor and LinkedIn, candidates are moreRead more →
Archive for the blog Category
So we’ve had Brexit and Covid to handle and this is the latest challenge the UK finds itself battling. Confused and overwhelmed by the next battle that we’re facing? What Exactly is the Cost of Living Crisis? To put it simply it’s the decrease in disposable incomeRead more →
The labour market has changed dramatically over the past 24 months. There’s no doubt about that. Once the COVID restrictions were lifted, the pressure on recruitment continued to grow and emphasised the significant skills shortage already present in our sector and many others. A CIPD report exploringRead more →
A dramatic recovery in the jobs market with a shortage of candidates and increasing wages Surge in the job market With 69% of employers trying to recruit over the summer, the surge in the jobs market has been nothing short of amazing in the past months. DespiteRead more →
Our blog post this month gives us some interesting background information on the Directors of Harrison Dear Sales – Steven Dear and Nikki Shack. Q. How long have you known each other and where did you meet? STEVE: Ah! Funny story this one. I interviewed Nikki asRead more →
Having worked in the past with Jo Williams, we were very interested to hear about her company, Coachpath, and the programmes she is currently offering, in particular - Career and Interview Coaching and Parental Coaching. Career and Interview Coaching This programme helps candidates explore career opportunities and progression.Read more →
So you've got a vacancy to fill. What's the quickest and most efficient way to find the right person for your role? You might think that working with several recruitment agencies would produce the best results. Several recruiters working on your brief should mean lots of interestingRead more →
Harrison Dear Sales are really excited to be working with the 2020 Change in an effort to increase workplace diversity through recruitment in the media sales industry. https://www.harrisondearsales.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/IMG_7658.mp4 2020 Change is a youth empowerment organisation renowned for helping young people realise their true potential and cultivate theRead more →
The New Normal As lockdown is gradually being lifted in the UK, we are all wondering how life in general and business in particular will continue to change. Here at Harrison Dear Sales, we have noticed a new trend emerging in our business over the last fewRead more →
Uncertain Times Given the perfect storm of Brexit uncertainty and the devastating effects of the pandemic over the last year, companies in the UK have had a tough time. The pace of technological change and growing skills gap show no signs of slowing either. There is noRead more →