Steve & Nikki in the spotlight

Our blog post this month gives us some interesting background information on the Directors of Harrison Dear Sales – Steven Dear and Nikki Shack.

Steven Dear & Nikki Shack

Q. How long have you known each other and where did you meet?

STEVE: Ah! Funny story this one.

I interviewed Nikki as a candidate whilst I was working at Lipton Fleming about 15 years ago. It was a Friday afternoon and it was quite rare for us to do interviews then as we were usually in the pub! However, I was so glad we did as although she came in originally for another media sales role I thought she would be great as a recruitment consultant. To this day I still don’t know if she performed so well due to her coming straight from a boozy lunch (those were the days!)


I was working in Media sales. I’d worked at Clear Channel for 6 years and 2 years at Admedia.
I was starting to think about looking for a new job so I booked an appointment with Lipton Fleming – the leading media recruitment company at the time. I had been on a team lunch and tottered along in my 4” heels on a Friday afternoon. Steve interviewed me and we discussed many OOH opportunities. None of which really tickled my fancy! I loved working in media, loved dealing with people but I guess I was just a bit bored of selling posters.
Steve asked me if I’d consider working in media recruitment. I had never thought of going down this route yet nearly 15 years later – the rest is history!

Q. What prompted you to go into business together?


In 2009 during the recession, Lipton Fleming went from a team of 50+ to a team of 9! It was tough!
Steve “Dear” and Josh “Harrison” took me for lunch one day and told me that they wanted to go and set up on their own. That was when “Harrison Dear” was born! I stayed at Lipton Fleming as I was expecting my first child at the time; the lads went off and did their thang! I joined them 5 years later once I’d had my family.

In 2014 I was glad to be back working alongside them – In 2019 Steve and I set up Harrison Dear Elevate and last year we became joint Directors of Harrison Dear Sales.  Steve and I have a great working relationship; we complement each other very well.


Nikki and I have always worked very closely, she is a grafter and I like the way she operates. More importantly I saw that people like working with her! I was always eager for her to join us and am delighted with how the business model has developed over the years

Q. What has been your proudest moment so far?


I am super proud of what we have achieved over the last 6 months. Considering 2021 has still been in the mix of a pandemic, Steve and I have developed some new key clients, expanded our network and made some fantastic placements.


I am very proud of building the Harrison Dear brand with Josh over 10 years ago. I am delighted we have a great reputation in the industry. Like Nikki just mentioned I am extremely proud of what we have achieved over the last 6 months during a very challenging period.

Q. What advice would you give a young entrepreneur?


Your network is your net worth!!!


Have confidence in your ability, soak up as much information as possible, not every deal is a good deal – have the confidence to say no!

Q. What is your most productive time of day?


Morning  Morning  Morning!!! I’m back from the school run at 8.35am and like to crack on! Amazing what you can get done without a child hanging off your left leg!!!


It varies! Finally, after having done the 9-5 thing for 20 odd years, I can now see the benefits of managing my day to suit me! Work life balance is so important and the benefits have been massive. So if that means having a round of golf midweek I will!

Q. Tell me something about yourself that no one else knows


I once jumped 14,500ft out of an aeroplane


When I was younger I appeared in Miss Marples as a choir boy

Q. What best qualities do you both bring to the company?


Without doubt, my biggest quality is my black book of contacts. Over my 20 years in the industry I have made many acquaintances and friends. Many have moved around across various media disciplines and are now at senior levels. This enables us to pick up the phone with ease and has helped build our client base. Steve is an excellent business man! He has the commercial “nous” and makes sure I slow down and keep my feet on the ground!


This is where Nikki and I complement each other ideally. I tend to have a more cautious thorough, need to know everything approach, whereas Nikki is excellent and just doing! With her fearless can-do attitude I am one to look at the finer detail.